Tips and Tricks to Make Your Online Dating Profile Amazing- When looking for brides, especially Ukrainian brides, you want to look stunning: confident, sexy, and easy-going. You want people to realize you are a down-to-Earth person, yet with a hint of stubbornness or feistiness because nice guys finish last. So imagine your profile is your face: it’s the way people see you and perceive you. You don’t want to seem dull and normie, all right? Follow our easy steps to make the most from your profile on any dating site.

1. Choose a nice picture –
A picture is the ultimate catch (no pun intended) when it comes to catfishing people. You want to make it recognizable so that a worker at the airport desk would give you permission to cross their country border. That’s how recognizable you should be. A little better than on your driving license (well, unless you are really lucky) and a little better than in real life. Get a good angle, choose perfect lighting. A person under bad light and at the golden hour can make a drastic difference. Say no to group pictures – it’s really misleading. She won’t even know where you are and might accidentally fall in love with a better-looking friend of yours, desperately looking for his number. You would die of jealousy, so either get rid of sporty hunky friends or just choose a profile photo wisely. Smile and give a natural pose. Don’t hide your face behind glasses (unless you wear them constantly). Don’t pose near nice-looking expensive cars unless you own one. It’s not just Photoshop: it is plain deceptive catfish. Lying is bad!
2. Choose a nice description –
It can be a catchy bio where you talk about yourself, but make it quick and don’t use too many adjectives. Show your outlook in one sentence. It can be a good quote or a nice phrase of yours. But don’t think that “Jeremy, 21 years old, Leo, office worker” would be a good idea. What’s the point of talking to you if you have laid all the cards on the table? You might as well write when your mother turns 62. Don’t show anything besides your attitude. Your status must be incognito. As much as you want to boast, it will instantly attract gold diggers who are deeply unconcerned about your private life.
3. Fill in all the blanks –
Show your education; write the name of your school or your college. You might as well attract long-lived girls from your school who knew about your existence back then, but they successfully forgot about it. That way you will have extra topics to talk about. Tell briefly about your hobbies or profession. You will ask: what’s the difference between putting information in the bio or adding it to the info block? The thing is, people will often skip your page if they don’t like your appearance in the first place (unless you will shove your career in their faces). But that won’t add anything to your acquaintance list. People who liked you even the slightest will sneak into your info box to check your hobbies. And if you can write anything without grammatical mistakes, something descriptive and funny, it can be a big plus. If there is a graph for height and weight, this is the information you don’t want to hide. As well as your age – it’s just pointless. Be honest and don’t add extra inches anywhere. Liars will get their pants on fire. Being yourself is amazing!
When it comes to music taste, hobbies and etcetera, write it down in several sentences, again, not very descriptive. Leave some space for her interest, and you better sound cheerful and friendly other than obscene and sexual. This kind of specific humor or attitude is not edgy; it’s just stupid and pompous without any reason. Be timid and modest in your descriptions.