Hybrid BLO Register App Download, Hybrid BLO Register App Version 13: The Government of India has launched a New app namely, Hybrid BLO Register App. This application is same as BLO Register app. Blo app is a time saving, Simple app and easy solution for Booth Level Officers. With the help of this app, you will get your work in your phone regularly. There will be no need to visit ERO Office regularly & you can do your official work offline by just login hybrid BLO app. So scroll down, we have explained all the steps one by one and Download link of Hybrid Blo Register app new version’s 13, 12, 11, 10, 9.

Hybrid BLO Register App Latest Version 13 Download:
Update: EVP (Electors Verification Program) Module with new modules & new functions implemented & bugs are fixed in Hybrid BLO app Version 13. Please note that the application need through testing and security audit. The new Hybrid BLO App version 13 has been released. If this version also consists some bugs then Hybrid BLO App Version 14 will be released soon.
Hybrid Blo Mobile App Version 13 Details-
Number of Downloads: | 14921618 |
Current Version: | 13 |
Updated | 15-Oct-2019 09:50:28 PM |
Min. required Android version: | Android 5.0 – Lollipop & above |
Category: | OTHERS |
Price: | Free |
Developer: | CDAC MUMBAI |
fo: | 011 23717005 |
Email-Id: | ecitechsupport@eci.gov.in |
Hybrid BLO Register Download Latest Version 13:
- First of all, Download Hybrid BLO Register download latest Version 13 from here Hybrid BLO Version 13
- Install and Open the App
- Then Enter your 10 Digit User Id and Password
- After that, Select Your State Code from below list, S01, S02, S03, S04, S05, S06, S07, S08, S09, S10, S11, S12, S13, S23, …S29, U01, U02, U03, U04, U05, U06, U07, etc
- Suppose You’re belong from Tripura then enter State Code S23, AC NO, Part Number
- And, Tap on Login
- That’s it. You have successfully Login to Hybrid Blo Register app & You can download Electors list.
- Now You are ready to do verification of votors.
- In this way you can do the verification of Votors.
Hybrid blo Mobile App is available for all States in India like, rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya pradesh, Haryana & Blo login Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, MP, Tripura. So, Go down and download Blo Register Software. Electors Verification Program (EVP) has started from 1st September 2019 & Continues till 15th October 2019. Votor Helpline App can be used to verify electrol details.
Also Read: Download Hamraaz Army app Version 6.0
Hybrid BLO Register App Download 4.0 & 5.0 & 6.0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Version:
Hybrid BLO Version 12 : Download
Hybrid BLO Version 11: Download
Hybrid BLO Version 10 : Download
Hybrid BLO Version 9 : Download
Hybrid BLO Version 8 : Download
Hybrid BLO V 7 : Download
Hybrid BLO V6.0 : Download
Hybrid BLO V5.0 : Download
Hybrid BLO V4.0 : Download
ECI has launched new version of Hybrid BLO app on 15th October 2019. The new version has come up with new features, where you can download 1) Partwise List of Verified Electrols. 2) Partwise list of not verified/remaining electors available in new version.
{Old APK} Download Hybrid BLO Register App V 2.0 & 3.0
Hybrid Blo Register App V 2.0How To Use Hybrid Blo Register App?
- After Logon to App, you can start filling offline forms
- Firstly, You have to Download Elector list, To download you need a internet connection
- Then you can make revision, checklist verification, Registered death, etc.
- Now you have to fill online form 6, 6A, 7, 8, 8A
- That’s it and Blo can download all statment.
Also Read: Download Naa Vote App Telangana
Download Hybrid BLO Regsiter App For PC, Windows, iOS:
Currently, the Hybrid BLO Mobile app is available for Android phones; not for PC or Desktop, iOS users. So stay tuned with swapdesire; we will update here; once the app is available for all the OS.
Hybrid BLO Register App Contact Number, Email Address:
If you are facing with any problems, then you can contact Hybrid BLO register app customer care by calling on this number 011 23717005. Or you can text them on Email Id: ecitechsupport(at)eci(dot)gov(dot)in
Hope this information was helpful. If you have any queries regarding, Hybrid Blo register app for pc, hybrid blo register app 2019 app feel free to comment below.
Yet I have not downloaded the apps in my android phone but I wish to download the new version of the blo apps. Please help me in downloading the new version of blo apps.
User I’d kis tarah banegi
version 9 pehle Kam Kar rha that ab nahi
User ID and password should be the registered mobile number which was given to ERO OFFICE
Please help me to download the new version of blo app
We have provided the download link of app in page; you can download it.
श्री मान जी version 4 बहुत अच्छा है इसके लिए आप बधाई के पात्र हैं इसकी गति तेज करें यदि तेज गति से चलने लगे तो सभी BLO का काम बहुत अच्छा हो सकता है क्योंकि इसमें जो विशेषता है वह अन्य version में नहीं है मेने आपके द्वारा दिए सभी version चैक किए है
The developer of this app has failed to workout the system apps to work for the ECI in ensuing EVP and Summary Revision. I request the developer of this app to solve the current issues of this app at an earliest so that it may enables us to use the best benefits of the app during EVP and Summary Revision 2019-20.
This app has the following defects as per my experience:
1. Defects / Problem regarding bug.
2. when we submit the data after entering all the needed fields, suddenly it goes back to the log in place. lot of time is wasted.
3. It will be convinent if the developer make this app that can be used offline,
How to capture the GPS at a place where there is no internet connectivity. Many villages of our country has no internet assessibility.
4. It waste whole day with the Please Wait Massage.
so I experience lot of difficulties working with this app in North Eastern States. ECI should have to think of Somthing better than this
desktop ke liye hybird blo register app kaise downlode hoga
Not available for desktop..
इसमें केमरा नहीं खुल रहा है
All the new and updated versions of Hybrid BLO Register apps right from version 4- 6 developed by Election Commission of India is not perfectly developed for un interrupted service. Every time while uploading supportive documents of the verified electors,it crashes suddenly in the mid of uploading process and goes off the screen leaving or showing a message ” Hybrid BLO Register has stopped ” Please wait…. on the screen is seen for all day long on opening any folder of blo register app. For any screen out or sudden crash of the app in the mid of uploading process and to come back again to the app, everytime it asked for re login using user id and password. Every updated versions of Hybrid BLO Register app has a weakness in it’s developing. Invention or developing such an imperfect, immature, time killing app making the easy work to a lengthy process of doing work in the name of paperless work is not appreciable. At least, the ECI must provide a laptop to all the BLO’s in the country that any work of verification and revision of Electoral Rolls every year could be done easily. Should we to wait for a new and un interrupted version to come or should we start our assigned work of verification of elector by pen and paper. I think the the bulky and handy work will again over take paperless work of our all learned BLO’s in the days to come. All online work can’t be done on a low storage android mobile phone. Please share if you agreed with my opinion.
Dawa Tsering
30 Gogar Polling Station
28 Likabali ( A.P )
श्री मान जी version 4 बहुत अच्छा है इसके लिए आप बधाई के पात्र हैं इसकी गति तेज करें यदि तेज गति से चलने लगे तो सभी BLO का काम बहुत अच्छा हो सकता है क्योंकि इसमें जो विशेषता है वह अन्य version में नहीं है मेने आपके द्वारा दिए सभी version चैक किए है
sir pl ctact mee 9531970471
Kaise download hoga please help hybrid blo ka kary karna hai
We have added download link button, you can tap on it and download latest version of the app.
सभी version में एक कमी है,उसे भी सुधारा जाए। किसी भी वोटर्स का वेरिफिकेशन करने के बाद उसे अगर दुबारा वेरिफाई किया जाता है तो इसमें all ready verify ऐसा लिखा हुआ आना चाहिए ताकि दुबारा वेरिफाई ना हो , क्योंकि हर BLO के पास 1100 वोटर्स है अतः यदि कुछ वोटर्स खुद voter helpline app पर वेरिफिकेशन करते हैं तो उसकी भी डिटेल इस BLO app पर आनी चाहिए। ताकि BLO को पता चल सके कि voter helpline पर कितने लोगों ने वेरिफिकेशन कर लिया है।
After entry epic no screen shows hybrid blo has stopped.after this I uninstall app then again download app.now user id, password, state code,a/c,part no.submit not open details
It’s due to app have lots of bugs; it will be recover once the new version released.
In Rajasthan states , भीलवाड़ा जिले में BLO version 7&8 not working properly I submit entery then it will come logout
The app has lots of bugs still, so all the problems will be resolved in next upcoming 9 update.
Version 8 is not work in uttrakhand dehradun
New Version 9 released, you can download it & try again.
In our state Arunachal Pradesh, the new version 9 is not working. We are unable to login into our hybrid blo register app version 9 for further verification of electors online. The developing of version 9 and it’s failing to work in our entire North Eastern state of India makes our work easier. We prefer to do our work offline by pen and paper than time taking online work by this useless and non performing apps. Now, we are observing that, after the update of this new version 9, the developer of the app has forgotten to create local server for the states to download the electoral rolls. Really we appreciate the developer of this app for not creating the local server in the present version 9 app for whole the state which falls under North East. Please create local server immediately.
Very bad virsion not work in uttrakhand hill areas
मैने version8 डाउनलोड किया लॉगिन होने के बाद डाउनलोड इलेक्टोरल लिस्ट डाउनलोड करने पर बार बार try again लिख के आ रहा है हेल्प करे
Download Latest version 9; instead of Version 8.
I have A50 Samsung phone.all version s are not working. I am facing problems
You can try with new version 9
Version 4 बन्द होने से कार्य की गति 75% कम हो गई है इसमें केवल आईडी के नम्बर ही डालने पड़ते थे जब की अन्य सभी version में मतदाता के आईडी की फोटो अपलोड करना पड़ता है जो एक बहुत बड़ी चुनौती भरा काम है
Verson 9 भी काम नहीं कर रहा है कृपया कोई ठोस verson लॉन्च करे जिसमें नाम निरस्त करने का प्रावधान भी हो
सभी मतदाताओं से एक एक आई डी लेकर अपलोड करना बहुत ही कठिन कार्य है एक version 4 ही ऐसा था जिसमें केवल आई डी नम्बर ही डालना होता था version 4आपने बन्द करके कार्य की 75% कार्य की गति कम कर दी है और आई डी अपलोड करना बहुत बड़ी चुनौती भरा काम है
Version 12 is not working properly. Collect Id and upload it is very difficult. Voters are not interested in it.some people are not give there id’s.some are migrated for other places for cash crop(Narma/kpaha).
The work can be done by any unemployed youth.
Gatiya app bnayi he .daily to new version launch kr dete he and app will not supprt i phone and PC. Rank 0 out of 5.
ECI’s app developing/supporting team is developing or updating app version day by day and creating a new issue with every new and updated version. Every updated version created, comes with a new issue and such issue in the apps creating slow progress of work in EVP. Here in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, the new version 12 blo register app is completely not working. We cannot even login to the apps for verification of electors. Please try to develop a fixed and constant working apps without any further issues or interruption in the apps itself. No more new version please, one and only one version of app for for all BLO’s of the entire country where EVP is going on.
Plz hybrid BLO software for Windows Platforms.
This is what I wanted. The hybrid blo app version 13 is really a very good app developed by ECI. The new and updated version has come with a new features and the most wanted features in this app is the feature of viewing the list of not verified electors. The app is working perfectly without any obstacles till now. The app is working so fast like rocket. This is really a very good app developed by the ECI. Now by the coming of app version 13, all the BLO’s here in Arunachal Pradesh are so happy in getting this super fast app. Now there is a smiles of happiness on the face of every BLO’s here in the most remotest state of the country. Thank you so much dear developers of this app.
Version 13 is the best version
दोबारा से वेरिफिकेशन नहीं होना चाहिए
Not working pls tell . working details